DU Recorder is a free app that records videos and audio from your phone.
It is available for both iOS and Android.
DU Recorder APP 2.4.6: Download the Latest Version..
Special Features of DU Recorder App
This app has been downloaded by more than 200,000 users in just two years since its launch in November 2014.
The latest version of DU Recorder App is 2.4.6 which has been released on December 15th, 2018.
This is an app that records your screen and takes screenshots in the background. It can also record voice.
The latest version of this app comes with a new feature, ‘Screen Record’.
This feature lets you record your entire computer screen without having to use any other apps or software.
This is helpful for users who want to share their work or need to show proof of something they have done on their computers, laptops, tablets, or phones.
DU Recorder App is a free app that records what you say on your phone and send it to the cloud.
It can be used for many purposes like recording lectures, interviews, meetings, or conversations.
The latest update of the app 2.4.6 comes with a new feature – “Clean Audio.”
This feature helps minimize background noise and improve audio quality by filtering out unwanted sounds like wind and traffic.
Latest Update: DU Recorder App 2.4.6 is now available for download with a new feature called “Clean Audio” that helps minimize background noise and improve audio quality by filtering out unwanted sounds like wind and traffic.
This is an app for recording audio.
It is one of the most popular apps in the market and has a 4.6 rating on Google Play Store.
The APP 2.4.6 provides you with a new UI, bug fixes and improvements to make your experience even better than before!
This is what you need to know about DU Recorder APP 2.4.6: