XAPK Installer is one of the most popular android file extension formats within the android community due to various reasons.

We all might have come across the default android file extension of APK format.
Yes. It’s also a useful format. However, this format has certain limitations because it will not support all the type of android files.
So that, 3rd party developers have attended to this problem and have developed the XAPK Installer as a solution for this matter.
Difference Between APK and XAPK File Formats
APK file format considered to be the basic default android file reading system.
XAPK is an extension of the APK format where it comes with some of the additional resources to bring all the aspects together.
So that XAPK consists of some of the additional resources like Media, jpeg, .exe, and so on.
Guide – How to Download Android Apps from Google Play to PC
When Do you Need XAPK Installer?
You do not necessarily have to have another additional application on your android device to read android file extensions because your default system can read them.
Suppose you download apps only from Google Play Store only and do not get apps from other sources. It is highly unlikely that you will need a file extension reader like XAPK Installer.
However, if you are kind of an advanced Android user, you may definitely look apps from other sources apart from Google Play Store.
This is when the XAPK file format comes into play.
Because, some of the popular android app distributors allow many of their apps only in the form of XAPK.
So that, your default android file reading system does not recognize those apps even after you have downloaded them on your device.
So some people often complain that the apps are not working.
But the actual case is that they have not installed any XAPK file reading apps on their android device.
What are the Popular Apps that comes in the XAPK format?
Well, this a difficult question. Actually, there could be various types of that comes in the XAPK format.
It all depends on the type of application.
Considering all that app developers decides to offer them in XAPK from.
For example, Some of the top-rated gaming apps like PUBG Mobile, Free Fire Garena, COD Mobile and so on come in the form of XAPK format.
As we said earlier, they come in this format because they have additional resources and so they are unable to offer them in default APK format.
So it is better to consider your situation and determine whether you want to install another android file reading application like XAPK Installer on your android device.